Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Cycle 4

Yesterday was the start of the fourth cycle of chemo.

We had a visit with the oncologist today to go over all of Brians medications and we made some pretty big changes because of how much pain he is still in.  We have high hopes that the changes work!

One good change so far is that he has been sleeping better :)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Good Day

Today was an really good day!  Brian slept great after his ER visit.  He woke up feeling good.  He went to work for about 4 hours then came home and was tired so he took a nap.  We had dinner with The Needhams.  Later that evening we went for a walk around the block and went to the pump house.  Afterwards he went to home depot and then cleaned out the front gutter!  I haven't seen him do so much in a long time!  He was playful and in a good mood most of the day.  I treasure days like this. :)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Blood sugar

It's 7 minutes after midnight and Bri is being released from the ER. His pain has been up and down all day. He is doing good now and he will sleep good tonight.. It's one of the  good thing about the ER visits.  We have to follow up with his PCP because his blood sugar is high at 348. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015


We made it home safely from Illinois. It was a very nice visit but it will probably be the last one for awhile. The trip was hard on Brian and he is exhausted. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

This is Brian's week off of chemo so we decided to drive down and visit our dads for Father's Day. It was a long drive and Brian slept most of the way. The drive wore him out and he has needed extra pain meds tonight. He did get to have dinner with his dad on Father's Day though:)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jurassic World

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  We finally got to see Jurassic World.

Today started off good.  Brian went in to work for a couple of hours.  He started having pain where his tumor is while he was at work.  He had taken several pain killers through out the evening but they did not help.  We ended up going to the ER and they gave him some pain meds that helped.  We are back home now and he is feeling better and in bed for the night.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Brian was up most of the night last night.  He finally started feeling better around 5 - 6 am and then slept till noon.  He woke up feeling much better and went into work for about an hour and a half.  Then had some father daughter time at the pump house.  We made plans to try to go watch Jurassic World but on the way to the movie Bri started feeling sick and threw up so we went home.  He slept in his chair for a few hours and then woke up wanting oat meal and is now ready for bed.

Monday, June 15, 2015

End of cycle 3

  • Today Brian finished his 3rd cycle of chemotherapy.  His mood has been pretty good today although a little emotional.  He has also been more nauseous today than usual.  

  • Tonight is the first time I have given Brian his vitamin C infusion by myself, but I did it perfectly!