Monday, April 11, 2016

New Findings

  • We spent about 6 hours in the ER today. All his blood work came back fine. There is still moderate stool in his colon. He was given 3 mg of dilauded and it did not help. So they gave him 25 mg of ketamine. It helped. Weird though, he was dreaming while he is awake..
    They sent us home with an rx for dilaudid pills and we are to follow up with his primary and oncologist. They do not know what is wrong. (other than the obvious)

    We were also given the CT summery. It has spread to his lungs. There is a 3 mm nodule in his lung. The nodule in his liver is 1 cm. I am not sure about the pancreatic tumor. We will have more detailed, concrete information next week.

    I went online to our patient portal and read last February's report and it looks like that is when they knew about the lungs but did not tell us. I don't understand that.... You can bet I'll be asking why I wasn't told though.


  1. Thinking & praying for Brian. Thanks for the update. I hope you will get answers soon. I also hope Brian's pain becomes less.

    Sandy Curtis

  2. Thanks so much for the update. Continued prayers for Brian & his family as you endure all the frustrations with not getting the information back from doctor's about your questions. I hope Brian's pain lessens. Thinking of you!
