Thursday, May 26, 2016


The brain scan was clear. The confusion is because of a combination of the cancer in his liver and the pain meds. 
The severity of it comes and goes. Sometimes, if you don't think about why its happening, some of the things he says are funny. Other times I feel bad because he knows hes confused and he gets very frustrated. 

The last couple of weeks have been about keeping him comfortable. 

Hospice says to be ready because it could be any time. Some  times I just dont see how thats possible.. Other times Im scared it could happen at any moment. 
One thing I know, without a doubt.. He is the strongest, kindest person I know. Even now he worries about everyone but himself. ❤️
It took what felt like a long time to get his pain under control. Hospice said they thought it was pretty fast. 
They come every 3-4 days now to check on him and his pain pump. He sleeps most of the time and gets restless off and on. Most days he eats a small amount once or twice a day. Yesterday he didnt eat anything. 

We are in the car at the lake right now. I cant remember the last time he left the house.. He's exhausted and sleeping now but he is happy to be out of the house. 

Side note: We are not having many visitors. He gets very anxious and tired so when we do its one at a time for about 30 mins no more than once a day. Thank you all for understanding. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

End Stage

I know I haven't posted in awhile.  

Brian has taken a turn for the worse.  Within the last 5 days he has gone from showing signs of some confusion, to being confused most of the time.  

He sleeps most of the time and sometimes stops breathing for several seconds.

His stomach is swollen and tight.

He can not be alone at this point.  

The only thing that can be done is to keep him comfortable.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Brain scan

Saw the oncologist in muskegon today. He thinks brians confusion is because of his medicine but is ordering a scan of his brain to be sure. He is also changing his pain meds bc bri wont stay out of the bath, which causes it to release too much medication.. 
They are also setting us up with hospice to help with brians medication needs and if i have to work they will send a nurse to be with brian if we need that.

Monday, May 2, 2016

No More Chemo

There will be no more chemo.
Brian will be following The Budwig Diet.