Tuesday, August 11, 2015

End cycle 5 & new scan

Yesterday was the end of the 5th cycle of chemotherapy. Today we are in Ann Arbor, we just finished up and are getting ready to head home. The main tumor in the pancreas is stable which they say means it's size hasn't changed. The mass in his liver is quite a bit smaller. His CA 19–9 level is at 200. The new plan is to finish his sixth cycle of chemotherapy and then take a two month break then take a new scan and restart chemotherapy. 
We asked the oncologist some tough questions today. He informed us that even if the CA 19–9 number hits below 100 Brian will still not be eligible for surgery because of the way pancreatic cancer spreads.  He may be eligible for radiation in the future. And if the chemotherapy stops working he will be able to get into a trial. Those are our options for the future when and if chemo stops working.

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