Thursday, August 27, 2015

No complications

All tests look good. So we are not sure why the pain is worse. Brian thinks its gas. He has thought that all along but the doc wanted to make sure it wasnt something else..  Now, to figure how to pass it consistantly.  Ugh. Nothing seems to work..

 I think that having a procedure done and chemo in the same week may have been too much for him.  The chemo affected him worse this week than it ever has.  He was throwing up Monday and Tuesday.  We called the oncologist and Brian is officially on break from chemo.  We will be going back to the
U of M in November to get new scans and blood work and find out when he will start chemo again.

1 comment:

  1. Passing gas can be rough. As odd as it sounds, if he can handle it, lay in the child pose. Tush in the air, elevated above the body. My daughter's nurse from DCH taught us this. Works pretty well.
