Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hangin' in there

Things are pretty much the same.  He sleeps most of the time but it seems like every two or three days he "wakes up" and wants to go do "something".  Hospice says this is normal.  He is still loosing weight.  Hospice is still coming every 2-3 days.  He has been complaining about it being hard to breath over the last few days.

He is very stubborn and we have to watch him because we never know what the "something" he will want to do, is.  One time, he wanted to go drive his truck.. sometimes he wants to get out some power tools, or try to mow.  You can see why this would be an issue if you can imagine Brian as an 80 year old man on a lot of narcotic pain meds who can't work his phone or the remote most of the time.  Which also explains why he gets so angry and frustrated because he has always been so capable and driven.  It's hard not to feel sorry for him, which also makes him mad.

Sunday (the 12th) around 4pm he woke up and wanted to go through his things and tell me who gets what.  Yesterday he wanted to start telling me what to write in letters he wants to leave for some people.  He only got through one and a half before he fell asleep.  We finished another one today but he was confused so we will have to revisit that one.  Ill keep helping push him to finish them because I know its important to him.

Today his hospice nurse asked him if she can come back Thursday and he told her "only if you bring me a new truck and an airplane"  He says some pretty funny stuff..  Im thinking I may try to post more often and share some of the off the wall stuff he does.  It keeps things interesting for sure!

Here are some examples that happened about a month or so ago:

He has these plush pillows you can microwave.  He went into the kitchen and put them in the freezer, closed the door, then started pushing buttons.  I asked him what he is doing, he said "warming up my pillows" I opened the door and told him that won't work.  He said, "What, the freezer won't heat my stuff up anymore?  Thats just great!"  Then he stomped out of the kitchen.

Brian went into the kitchen and got 2 hot dogs out and put them on a plate.  He put the plate with the hot dogs into the fridge and closed the door.  He then walked over to the microwave, opened the door, then looked at me and asked "Where's my hotdogs?"

A couple weeks ago Brian was very persistent about getting his suit tailored.  While the lady was pinning his pants she asked "So what's the special occasion?"  Brian replied "My Funeral"
He got a real kick out of that one.. I started laughing and crying at the same time because it hurt but it was SO BRIAN!


  1. You're right Margaret, he sure is funny. Just wanted to let you know, we are here, always!! Stay strong!! <3

  2. You two ladies are the strongest girls I know! Brian has always had such an outstanding humor!!! Love you all!!! Praying for you!

  3. You two ladies are the strongest girls I know! Brian has always had such an outstanding sense of humor !! Love you all hope you are feeling better!

  4. Tell Brian that Tina England said to behave for once in his life. We went to school together and our fathers was on the same police force at one time. Give him hugs for me and tell he is in my thoughts, my prayers and my heart. So is you and your family.

  5. Praying for your all!! Your an amazing girl and always have been.. Much love and prayers sent your way!!
